The Prodigal Son or Daughter

66786_10151884004126424_196924102_n[1]As I went about my day, I was trying to think of a story, something significant that I could write about, and at the end of the day it happened; it was not like it was an aha moment either, it just was meant to be. For those of you who may not know the “Prodigal Son” it is a beautiful bible parable and one of my favorites, (

I have discovered how true to life this really is; my oldest child who is 21 moved out at the beginning of the year, and has been through a lot of things that has caused her a lot of pain and heartache, and at the same time helped her to grow and gain a bit more maturity, perspective and understanding.  At twenty years old, one wants to have their independence, own space, no rules, do as they please, when they please and how they please.  I can truly understand that, because I was there at one time.  However, timing is important, though it may not be given the most priority, in desperation to fly, jump or stumble out of the parents nest.

If one is going to school and working part time or not at all and has incurred debt.  It maybe a bit difficult to perhaps make that move.  Giving serious consideration to income, a bed, reasonable cost for rent and utilities are important, but lets not forget something we all need to survive, food!  It is something that gets overlooked when plans to leave home is borne.

As parents we prepare our children to leave home and become good citizens of society and we want them to do that, but in the proper time.  When they are ready and truly prepared and equipped to do so. However, couple things to ponder; what is the proper time? And for whom does the right time benefit, the child or parent?

Continuing with the Story; after my child moved back home, I was incredibly pleased and happy to have her back, and like the father in the parable, I welcomed her with open arms, overwhelmed with love and joy to receive her, same as I was when she was born.

As happy as I was; here is where the human condition prevails; and the conflict within becomes challenging; questions and concerns are things going to be different or remain the same? I believe that it will be better; with faith and trust, along with optimism, I am content.

There is another element to this parable that I cannot forget; the sister or daughter who remained with her parents and did everything right. Who became upset with her mother for being happy and welcoming to the returning child.

The conversation from the mother to this daughter went like this; you are confident, we can talk without reservation or questions, we love and accept each other for who we are, you have it all together, whatever you decide to do, I would not worry because you have it all together, you are beautiful inside and out. It is with pleasure that I not only call you my daughter, but my friend also. Try to understand that; truly your sister was lost and now she is found, and we need to love her, accept her and be her friend.

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